LinkedIn Learning

Choose from thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts.

Visit the LinkedIn website.

Visit our help guides and videos

Transparent online

Transparent Language Online

Transparent Languages Online is the place to learn a new language. There are writing, listening, reading and speaking lessons. 

Visit the Transparent Language Online website.

Visit our help guides and videos


Be Connected 

Be Connected is where people can learn important computer skills with online free courses that start at the very basics and progress. 

Visit the Be Connected website

Visit our help guides and videos


International English Language Training System (IELTS) 

Road to IELTS is a practice resource which helps people study and pass their IELTS exam.  All you need is a City of South Perth Library Card.

Visit the General Training Module website.

Find out more about IELTS.

GFC global

Goodwill Community Foundation

Goodwill Community Foundation offers simple online tutorials on creative and practical skills. No account is needed you can start learning immediately.

Visit Goodwill Community Foundation website.